I also really liked the setting of this book, the mystery in it, and how well everything flowed together. The setting was always so vivid I could imagine it happening right in front of me. The scenes in Rhy's court of nightmares as well as Velaris were just unbelievable detailed and described in such a way that you could feel the wind, see the life around you or feel the darkness and fear. To me the settings play a very important role in books, which is why I like them even more than movies because it creates an imagine in your mind and you can see it there, right in front of you. Vs in movies somebody else's imagination already created the scene for you. Which is why I also refuse to watch the movie before reading a book. All the mysterious parts when somebody was about to say something, or something was implied but we couldn't understand what it was were so good. And most of them, thank you Sarah, were answered. I also mentioned this already but I love how well the characters flowed together, but I also loved how they flowed with their surroundings and how everything made sense. Nothing was just dropped into the plot because we needed it.
And overall as me from a month ago said.... "This book was totally mind blowing. I honestly cannot get over how detailed the plot of this book was, I swear I felt like I was reading a mystery of something. Sarah J Maas weaves the story together so well and this book was so well written and different than the first one but in a good way. So you should definitely go pick it up right now. I rate it 9.8/10 and it's honestly the best book I have ever read. And you will see, your whole world will be flipped upside down, literally *wink wink*." So obviously I recommend this book to anyone mature enough to read it and handle it's amazingness. It's a wonderfully fantastic book!
Stick around if you want to discuss the deeds, and you already read the book. If not then please go and read it and come back. Because I'm warning you now there will be spoilers below! Note: This is the second book in the A Court of Thorns and Roses Trilogy and I am also rereading parts of it right now. Sorry Harry and ur Sirius Black adventure...
Thanks for reading my review, and thanks to Sarah J. Maas and Bloomsbury for making this amazing book!!!! I also just want to point out how pretty this cover is O.O beautiful!

(Warning: This Review is very long and will contain many spoilers and also involve some very excited reviewing/many grammar mistakes after I just finished it and posted this review on Goodreads. The crazy fangirling starts now...)
"OMG RHYSAND, my first reaction after I was done this book was holy shit I was completely wrong about him. I'm so sorry I didn't believe in you honey... Honestly I would not have seen it coming at all had I not watched Christine's booktalk and she said that at the end of acotar Rhysand definitely mated with her. And I was just like what I completely didn't see that... All of ACOMAF i was like no no no wait I really want that to be explained. And then he comes and it's just like with Velaris he becomes this amazing sweet hilarious other person and I was in love. Jeez Sarah J Maas played me good. I though I was going Feylin all the way but turns out I'm not. That whole time when they were flirting and he was teasing her, and their little notes (so cute I was dying) I was thinking so are they not mates then, nothing weird is happening, Rhysand is acting like any normal guy who likes a girl would. And then that whole part when she felt guilty for having feelings for Rhysand so soon after Tamlin. Omg I was like shut up just do it, and then how she said all I want is fun, to Rhysand, but obviously she was like in love with him and he didn't see the truth. All those scenes with the mind reading when she felt sad or depressed and let her barriers down, I was just thinking back to Katsa and Po (Graceling) and being like oh ya been there done that. Then when the King shot him out of the sky when he was just about to tell her I was like isn't he the most powerful high lord ever he just kind of fell out of the sky. I was so scared for him, until Feyre just turned all badass and captured a Suriel again, which is always described as being so hard and dangerous, but she always manages to do it... She captures it and it just decides to throw in some extra information, which since it is all knowing it knows that she doesn't know, and she goes bat-shit crazy. At that moment I think I lost almost all my respect for her, she finds out she was his mate so that means you can yell at him when he's half dead, and then ditch him when he opens his eyes and calls your name. It broke my heart... Then when she painted that whole cottage *tears were coming* and then Mor was waiting at the door. But no it was obviously Rhysand, he found the cottage and he was good as new and she had to serve him food. And I just honestly melted. Sarah J Maas planned so many histories and stories in between the main plot that it was like revealing a trace of amazingness, and we found out a lot more about Rhysand's and Tamlin's history. Sarah really twisted this story into something beyond words. The most angry I got was when I was reading all the parts with Tamlin, how he treated her like a dog at the beggining, how he locked her up, how Lucien tried to take her back, and then the end. Oh dear god I really just couldn't take Tamlin's bs anymore. I was so ready to like hurt him or something, like can't you see she hates ur guts man. And then the ending I also didn't like except for the part when the bond wasn't actually broken and she got another tatoo, and she was high lady. Also if I don't mention this now, I might forget but Amren was absolutly hilarious with the whole scary but sweet thing, and how she helped Feyre by using a "magical necklace" that Rhysand gave her. (I actually laughed when Amren was all like oh actually it doesn't do anything) And at the end when she said "she's your mate not your spy. GO GET HER" I was silently applauding her so bad while at the same time being really scared of her silver eyes. How creepy is that by the way? And Moore being the only family Rhysand has left was good foreshadowing of how Rhysand actually is, especially with his friends. And also at the beggining when she said "well that went well" after Feyre yelled at Rhysand. Rhysand saw right through Tamlin and tried to help Feyre but because of Amarantha his methods were a bit off, but through this book he proves to me just how great of a character he is and how I really should've completely disregarded him in the first book. As soon as I was done all I wanted to do was reread all the parts with Rhysand in Acotar, but I didn't. This review is so long and if you read all of it thanks for sticking with me while I got all my feels out. Please comment and tell me what you though of this book. And if you're literally dying, a little each day, for the next book, like I am, then tell me that too. I should probably go make a blog, but I'm just looking at the 14881 characters left and thinking oh Goodreads can put up with one more sentence." (I especially love my 2 months ago self saying I should create a blog, ahaha, honestly she would be so proud of me rn)
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