Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while been really busy. I'm still reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire but now some people *cough cough* have spoiled some things for me... Sadly. So spoilers if you haven't read it yet but yet again that's probably only me. Apparently Hermione and Ron are going to end up together and Harry and Ginny will too (which everybody but me pronounces Jinny for some reason). So sadly, now I know all that. Then I decided to take a quiz to see which house I would be in (because I am completely torn), and my first result was Gryffindor and my second was Hufflepuff, and I though I was Ravenclaw so I was sooo confused. But my first thought (at the very beginning when we had the June book club discussion) was that I was in Gryffindor but I didn't want to say that because that's what everybody says after reading the first couple of books. Mainly because Harry and almost all the characters in the series so far are in Gryffindor and it's from their point of view. But after I told me friend, who read the series, she agreed and said that I was Gryffindor (so I was right, yay).
Anyways as I was saying, I was doing these quizs and I just happen to be 200 pages into the book (very slowly getting through it sorry guys, because of gossip girl hmpft, it's too good), which in case you don't remember is when we just find out that there is going to be something called the triwizard tournament and at my particular point, it's when all the schools are arriving and there's a really fat lady. That's just where I'm at... (As you can see I got stuck at such an interesting part... lmao) Anyways back to my story... Basically I had no clue at all as to what the triwizarding tournament is or what's going to happen, or how Harry is planning to get in because he's definitely going to try. I was doing the later quiz actually and I was just answering questions about me and about some things in the books and all of a sudden I click next and this question pops up:
(*spoiler* because I wish it had said that!!!) "You are a Triwizard Tournament Champion. Which task is the most challenging for you?" A. Battling Dragons, B. The Maze, or C. Rescuing Friends Deep in the Black Lake...
So obviously I FREAKED OUT, and was really upset because it just spoiled THE WHOLE FREAKING 4TH BOOK FOR ME, but at least now I know it gets more interesting. Sadly, now I also know exactly what's going to happen and that Harry is probably going to be the champion... SO moving on from that terrible tale I have some predictions I want to share with you guys.
So as I said one of my friends horribly spoiled the romance in this books, but it's also my fault because I went to an event that was basically about Harry's kid... So ya it's on me that I found out who he had a kid with. But I think that since some people said this was the best book and that there was a little bit of romance but it was failed... (1) I think that Harry is going to try to be with Cho Chang in this book not Ginny. Firstly because Ginny's barely mentioned so far and secondly because he keeps thinking about that Ravenclaw Seeker. The first time he saw her he though she was pretty, and she's a seeker so that makes it better. Plus he started having dreams about her. All we see of Ginny was how she goes with the Weasley family to the World Quidditch match and how in the 2nd book she was stupid and got herself almost killed by Voldemort/Tom Riddle. So honestly I don't see what Harry (in the future) sees in her... One of my other predictions which I think is pretty obvious because of how all the books so far have gone by is that Harry will win the Triwizard Tournament and become the champion because he somehow found a way to be in it in the first place. I don't even need to explain that one. Also I think that Fred and George Weasley will actually start up their company of funky fake wands and tricks and be really successful. I also think that Serious Black will come back and help Harry, and eventually he will be free, be Harry's guardian, and sign Harry's Hogsmeade letter (which is still really bothering me). I also think that the person who cast the Dark Spell with the skull was Voldemorte and that he will get very close to killing Harry at some point in this books. And last of all I think that Hagrid might meet the big Lady of that other school and they might hit it off. Lmao. So I when I finish the book I'll tell you which of my predictions came true and which I'm still waiting on.
I also wanted to ask you guys if you also want me to make posts about movies and series I've recently watched or am watching. Because as I already said I'm currently watching Gossip Girl and it's really good. I'm also currently watching Iron Man all 3 movies, and they're really good. I'm a huge Marvel/Avengers Fan. As well, I watched Nerve yesterday in theatres (It came out July 27th, 2016) starring Emma Roberts and Dave Franco and it was super scary by the end, had a huge plot twist, but was surprisingly intriguing and super amazing. The plot and everything was so different from all the movies I've seen so far, and it was really cool to watch. The soundtrack was also really good and the whole modern idea of a viral dare game was awesome. I also really loved Tommy's character, played by Miles Heizer (he was so sweet and cute! <3), plus it doesn't help that it stars Emma Roberts, who is one of my favourite actresses.
So all in all this was a post about what's been going on recently in my book/movie world. Thanks for reading and if you have anything to say at all I'd love to hear it! I also went to Indigo yesterday and it looked super cool for the new Harry Potter book. If you're too shy to say anything here I'd love to hear what you think on my instagram @goldstormbooks! Thanks so much for viewing and following! - Kat <3
Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while been really busy. I'm still reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire but now some people *cough cough* have spoiled some things for me... Sadly. So spoilers if you haven't read it yet but yet again that's probably only me. Apparently Hermione and Ron are going to end up together and Harry and Ginny will too (which everybody but me pronounces Jinny for some reason). So sadly, now I know all that. Then I decided to take a quiz to see which house I would be in (because I am completely torn), and my first result was Gryffindor and my second was Hufflepuff, and I though I was Ravenclaw so I was sooo confused. But my first thought (at the very beginning when we had the June book club discussion) was that I was in Gryffindor but I didn't want to say that because that's what everybody says after reading the first couple of books. Mainly because Harry and almost all the characters in the series so far are in Gryffindor and it's from their point of view. But after I told me friend, who read the series, she agreed and said that I was Gryffindor (so I was right, yay).

(*spoiler* because I wish it had said that!!!) "You are a Triwizard Tournament Champion. Which task is the most challenging for you?" A. Battling Dragons, B. The Maze, or C. Rescuing Friends Deep in the Black Lake...
So obviously I FREAKED OUT, and was really upset because it just spoiled THE WHOLE FREAKING 4TH BOOK FOR ME, but at least now I know it gets more interesting. Sadly, now I also know exactly what's going to happen and that Harry is probably going to be the champion... SO moving on from that terrible tale I have some predictions I want to share with you guys.
So as I said one of my friends horribly spoiled the romance in this books, but it's also my fault because I went to an event that was basically about Harry's kid... So ya it's on me that I found out who he had a kid with. But I think that since some people said this was the best book and that there was a little bit of romance but it was failed... (1) I think that Harry is going to try to be with Cho Chang in this book not Ginny. Firstly because Ginny's barely mentioned so far and secondly because he keeps thinking about that Ravenclaw Seeker. The first time he saw her he though she was pretty, and she's a seeker so that makes it better. Plus he started having dreams about her. All we see of Ginny was how she goes with the Weasley family to the World Quidditch match and how in the 2nd book she was stupid and got herself almost killed by Voldemort/Tom Riddle. So honestly I don't see what Harry (in the future) sees in her... One of my other predictions which I think is pretty obvious because of how all the books so far have gone by is that Harry will win the Triwizard Tournament and become the champion because he somehow found a way to be in it in the first place. I don't even need to explain that one. Also I think that Fred and George Weasley will actually start up their company of funky fake wands and tricks and be really successful. I also think that Serious Black will come back and help Harry, and eventually he will be free, be Harry's guardian, and sign Harry's Hogsmeade letter (which is still really bothering me). I also think that the person who cast the Dark Spell with the skull was Voldemorte and that he will get very close to killing Harry at some point in this books. And last of all I think that Hagrid might meet the big Lady of that other school and they might hit it off. Lmao. So I when I finish the book I'll tell you which of my predictions came true and which I'm still waiting on.
I also wanted to ask you guys if you also want me to make posts about movies and series I've recently watched or am watching. Because as I already said I'm currently watching Gossip Girl and it's really good. I'm also currently watching Iron Man all 3 movies, and they're really good. I'm a huge Marvel/Avengers Fan. As well, I watched Nerve yesterday in theatres (It came out July 27th, 2016) starring Emma Roberts and Dave Franco and it was super scary by the end, had a huge plot twist, but was surprisingly intriguing and super amazing. The plot and everything was so different from all the movies I've seen so far, and it was really cool to watch. The soundtrack was also really good and the whole modern idea of a viral dare game was awesome. I also really loved Tommy's character, played by Miles Heizer (he was so sweet and cute! <3), plus it doesn't help that it stars Emma Roberts, who is one of my favourite actresses.


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