Hi Wonderful Readers! :)
First off I just want to say that I'm super sorry that I haven't updated my blog in like a month, but I've been super busy with work. As many of you students know, teachers love to load you up with work just when you see the winter break somewhere in the distance (so begging of December). That last week before the break was hell for me, I had 5 tests in 4 days in 3 subjects. Yup! But, I just want to say that I'm back and that I wanted to post a lot more over the break, because I can, and because these will be my last posts of 2016.
So this post will basically be a summary of my month and an update on all things booky that have happened to me this month (a pretty short post, for now). Hopefully I'll be able to post a few other posts this week, that I've been meaning to for a while. I also wanted to wish all you lovely folks a very very very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. As well as a very Happy Holiday season for everyone and their families!
(Also I stole this super cute picture from google, but omg it's Olaf! How could I not!)
Okay so let me start off from the beginning of this month...
The first week of December I was finishing reading From Ashes which I finally started reading at the end of November. From Ashes is an amazing book, which I will hopefully have a review up for at some point. I can't summarise in short so if you want to know what it's about just click this (and it will take u straight to the professional, ;), Goodreads) The week right before that my copy of Heartless arrived and right after I finished reading We Were Liars, for book club, I started it. I didn't have very high hopes for Heartless as it wasn't the lunar chronicles and it was Alice in Wonderland, which I just never really latched onto, but it was phenomenal! Honestly, Marissa Meyer completely outdid herself again, and told the story in such a way that even know you knew how it was going to end you never knew what was going to happen next. I absolutely loved Heartless and all the characters, and I want an arc even more now that I've read it (even though I have my own hardcopy at home).
That brings me to another amazing thing that was a surprise for me. I received my Heartless pre-order package in the mail, which was a Heartless magnetic bookmark. But guess what it was attached to? It was a recipe straight from the book, and I'm not sure why, probably because I was super obsessed with the book and how fabulous it was, I was super excited. Then fast forward to after I finished Heartless and From Ashes. One of my best friends was borrowing my arc of The Lovely Reckless for almost a month, because let's face it I was busy reading so many things, and she just never remembered to give it back. Lmao. Anyways she finally gave it back and I started it just as soon as I finished From Ashes. See I'm telling you this was a super productive week for me! :) SO, I ended up reading it super quickly and let me tell you. This book.... was also soooo good! I read all these super fantastic books in less than a month, and I was super sad that I was finished and that they were all stand alones... However, I did recently find out that there is a "From Ashes #1.5" which is an ebook about one of the side characters (just a btw, lol, it's called Needing her and has pretty high ratings on Goodreads). Overall, I was done all the by like December 12th and didn't read much since then...
Although I did start reading the next book club book, "Borderline" by Alan Stratton. It's not as bad as I thought, and I just reached about halfway through the book. I started it even though the next meeting is in January because of the break, just because I didn't have much time to read but I needed to read something, and I also needed to read that book. And about book club, I'm super sorry I still haven't posted the November Book Club report, but I will hopefully do that before 2017, and I definitely have all my notes that I took, so I won't forget anything don't worry. So for December I actually have/had a super long tbr because I wanted to reach my Goodreads goal. Even though I only figured out what the reading challenge was in like April... Anyways I don't think I'm going to make it but because of the break, which I was leaving everything off to, I wanted to read Lady Midnight, Six of Crows (so therefore probably, Crooked Kingdom, and finish the three Harry Potter books I haven't yet. And I was also smack dab in the middle of Borderline which I have to finish by January something. Although I am going on vacation January 4th to 11th, so I might miss it. ;(
I actually also just started reading Lady Midnight a few days ago, and I have no idea why I didn't read it before! It's so good! Probably because I read the mortal instruments and clockwork angel series (all 6 + 3 books, 1 summer, and I also read Cruel Beauty, and maybe more) the summer before last (2015) and I just forgot all about how good it was. Especially with all this super amazing Throne of Glass and Acotar discoveries in 2016. Oh I also just wanted to mention that I was cleaning my bookshelf today, because my mom has this super weird thing about everything being super clean and no dust anywhere right when the New Year comes. So I was doing New Years cleaning and I dropped Empire of Storms. At first I was super upset that I dropped it, but then I picked it up and on the page that it was I just started reading. I'm not sure why or how, but I honestly couldn't stop reading for about 30 min, from some random page that I already read (it was the pirate lord office scene, with Rowan and Fenrys and Gavriel meeting) :) . See, this is what Sarah J. Maas does to us! Thank you for blessing us with your amazing books Sarah, we all love you! Can't wait for Acowar to come out and unnamed TOG #6. Also shoutout to Victoria Aveyard, who's next book, King's Cage, is my next super anticipated already pre-ordered read!
So that's about all my updates for y'all. Like I said earlier I really hope you all have an amazing winter break/holiday and I wish you all the best in the New Year! Warm wishes and here's hoping that you'll all have a very productive and healthy New Year. Also if you guys have read anything good or have any plans over the Holidays, I'd love to hear all about them! Thanks for reading! :)
- Love you guys, Kat
First off I just want to say that I'm super sorry that I haven't updated my blog in like a month, but I've been super busy with work. As many of you students know, teachers love to load you up with work just when you see the winter break somewhere in the distance (so begging of December). That last week before the break was hell for me, I had 5 tests in 4 days in 3 subjects. Yup! But, I just want to say that I'm back and that I wanted to post a lot more over the break, because I can, and because these will be my last posts of 2016.

(Also I stole this super cute picture from google, but omg it's Olaf! How could I not!)
Okay so let me start off from the beginning of this month...
The first week of December I was finishing reading From Ashes which I finally started reading at the end of November. From Ashes is an amazing book, which I will hopefully have a review up for at some point. I can't summarise in short so if you want to know what it's about just click this (and it will take u straight to the professional, ;), Goodreads) The week right before that my copy of Heartless arrived and right after I finished reading We Were Liars, for book club, I started it. I didn't have very high hopes for Heartless as it wasn't the lunar chronicles and it was Alice in Wonderland, which I just never really latched onto, but it was phenomenal! Honestly, Marissa Meyer completely outdid herself again, and told the story in such a way that even know you knew how it was going to end you never knew what was going to happen next. I absolutely loved Heartless and all the characters, and I want an arc even more now that I've read it (even though I have my own hardcopy at home).
Although I did start reading the next book club book, "Borderline" by Alan Stratton. It's not as bad as I thought, and I just reached about halfway through the book. I started it even though the next meeting is in January because of the break, just because I didn't have much time to read but I needed to read something, and I also needed to read that book. And about book club, I'm super sorry I still haven't posted the November Book Club report, but I will hopefully do that before 2017, and I definitely have all my notes that I took, so I won't forget anything don't worry. So for December I actually have/had a super long tbr because I wanted to reach my Goodreads goal. Even though I only figured out what the reading challenge was in like April... Anyways I don't think I'm going to make it but because of the break, which I was leaving everything off to, I wanted to read Lady Midnight, Six of Crows (so therefore probably, Crooked Kingdom, and finish the three Harry Potter books I haven't yet. And I was also smack dab in the middle of Borderline which I have to finish by January something. Although I am going on vacation January 4th to 11th, so I might miss it. ;(
I actually also just started reading Lady Midnight a few days ago, and I have no idea why I didn't read it before! It's so good! Probably because I read the mortal instruments and clockwork angel series (all 6 + 3 books, 1 summer, and I also read Cruel Beauty, and maybe more) the summer before last (2015) and I just forgot all about how good it was. Especially with all this super amazing Throne of Glass and Acotar discoveries in 2016. Oh I also just wanted to mention that I was cleaning my bookshelf today, because my mom has this super weird thing about everything being super clean and no dust anywhere right when the New Year comes. So I was doing New Years cleaning and I dropped Empire of Storms. At first I was super upset that I dropped it, but then I picked it up and on the page that it was I just started reading. I'm not sure why or how, but I honestly couldn't stop reading for about 30 min, from some random page that I already read (it was the pirate lord office scene, with Rowan and Fenrys and Gavriel meeting) :) . See, this is what Sarah J. Maas does to us! Thank you for blessing us with your amazing books Sarah, we all love you! Can't wait for Acowar to come out and unnamed TOG #6. Also shoutout to Victoria Aveyard, who's next book, King's Cage, is my next super anticipated already pre-ordered read!
So that's about all my updates for y'all. Like I said earlier I really hope you all have an amazing winter break/holiday and I wish you all the best in the New Year! Warm wishes and here's hoping that you'll all have a very productive and healthy New Year. Also if you guys have read anything good or have any plans over the Holidays, I'd love to hear all about them! Thanks for reading! :)
- Love you guys, Kat
(Here are some of the books I mentioned in order of my reading them! :) That I have not reviewed yet, sorry guys, I'll try to get to them.)
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