Hey Guys, I know I haven't written in a while and honestly I am super super sorry. I have soo much work, and it's actually so true. I don't event know how I have time to do this post because I've been sick literally this whole week, and have sooo much to catch up on. But I just checked the last time I posted, in April, and I was like no wayyy can I not post. So here I am. Also because I actually have something to post about; I went to a book signing today.
SARAH J. MAAS'S book signing at Indigo!!! Sarah just released the last book in the ACOTAR trilogy, A Court of Wings and Ruin, on May 2nd. (Which I read, and loved, but didn't post a review for yet, super super sorry) And this month she is on tour for it. She released this picture on her twitter a while back, and the last stop is her first ever in Canada, which was amazing. So I've been planning to go to this event for a while, because I'm obviously obsessed with her and her amazinnggg writing!!! I have wanted to see and meet her for soo long that when she announced that she was coming to Canada like 5 months ago, I obviously freaked out and put the date down on all my calendars. I've waited around 2 years for an opportunity like this but sadly my plans kind of failed.
The Details:
So this is what happened:
I first thought about going with one of my friends, but none of them are super into reading or Sarah J. Maas which is kind of annoying but you know, life. But anyways then I just settled for getting a ride from my dad, and by ride I'm saying like a 35 min drive, as its not exactly close.
So the very first thing that happened today, was I woke up at 10 instead of at 11, like I was planning to, but I decided to stay up so I'd have more time to get ready and all prettied up. Then obviously I stayed in bed for like 30 min texting my friend about how excited I am, so that kind of failed, aha. Anyways I decide to check twitter because I was curious if anyone was posting anything about the event and what twitter was saying about it and the very first thing I see about it is this:
Anyways back to the story. So I decide that even though it was too late to get my books signed I still wanted to go. So I got all dressed up, brought all my books, and arrived around 12:30, as originally planned. When I got there everything seemed normal except that there was a sign that the event was at capacity and that the wristbands for the signing were all given out already. I walked inside and didn't see a single fan, I was so confused. I went up to a lady and asked her where the event was and she also said it was at capacity but that it was upstairs. I knew it, I knew there was something wrong it was too peaceful downstairs so I ran to the escalators (keep in mind I've never been to this Indigo in my life) and I was right, I was rising up slowly and holyy. The whole upstairs floor was overflowing with people there were crowds and crowds in lines everywhere and right in front of the elevators 5 Indigo employees telling everyone to go either left or right, away from what was behind them, the stage. So obviously I tried my best to get a good spot but I was at the back of the huddle of people on the right wing and the only spot that was available had the whole left side of the stage blocked by a white pillar.
I waited and waited for about 30 minutes which is when a lady came out and told us all that they were going to start on time and a few reminders like not to video Sarah's conversation. The signing was going to take place after. So then we were all super excited and anticipating when Sarah was finally going to come out, and she didn't. Not until 1:15, 45 minutes after I got there, 9 hours and 15 minutes after the people who had got there at 4am (this commitment, what even) 15 minutes late (thanks for telling us it was going to be on time, lady). Anyways Sarah walked out and I could see her and everyone was going nuts, and the excitement that was in the air was amazing (sadly I couldn't even talk to anyone my age because I was still sick and I half lost my voice yesterday). Anyways I was clapping and trying to scream and I was so happy and then she say down and I lost any connection I had to her, even her little blonde head (I was so far back). Still the vibe was amazing and really intense and all the people were super excited and laughing at her jokes.
Then there was a question about her character's Starbucks orders. She joked about how Amren would definitely have just like a plain black espresso with like 4 shots. And how Rhys would just have an artsy latte, which I just laughed at. Then how Feyre would have English breakfast tea, just be like I don't like coffee. There was also a question about Aelin vs Rhysand in a fight and Sarah just went to mother hen way out, she basically said that she doesn't want her two babies to fight so Rhysand would probably just be like "show me your cool fire magic", direct quote ahahah legit. Then she would "eviscerate him", and then feel bad and be like "wana get a cup of coffee" literally direct quotes, deaddd. Then she asked which two characters she would want to go somewhere with and where (and with or without her husband, who was also there). Sarah played it cool and said how she would take Feyre to the Louvre, to show her all the pretty paintings, and she would take Aelin to the metropolitan opera house in New York, because she loves it there and Aelin also likes music and opera houses (?). Anyways she also talked about how when she writes she acts scenes out, and she has a giant mirror behind her desk and every time she writes a scene she acts it out in the mirror, lol.

The Details:
So this is what happened:
I first thought about going with one of my friends, but none of them are super into reading or Sarah J. Maas which is kind of annoying but you know, life. But anyways then I just settled for getting a ride from my dad, and by ride I'm saying like a 35 min drive, as its not exactly close.
So the very first thing that happened today, was I woke up at 10 instead of at 11, like I was planning to, but I decided to stay up so I'd have more time to get ready and all prettied up. Then obviously I stayed in bed for like 30 min texting my friend about how excited I am, so that kind of failed, aha. Anyways I decide to check twitter because I was curious if anyone was posting anything about the event and what twitter was saying about it and the very first thing I see about it is this:
20 minutes later, or around that (as I'm freakiinggg out), I see this:
AHHHHH, was my first reaction. There was just no way I could have made it. Apparently there had been people waiting since 4am, like how wtf. And they ran out around 8am. My plan was to get there at 12:30, now looking back that was a terrible terrible plan because it definitely wouldn't have worked. I made this plan based on the fact that last time when I went to a Lauren Oliver book signing there were not that many people and I came around 30 min early and I got a wristband and everything. However for this event it was just crazy, everything was packed and crammed. I guess I underestimated Sarah J. Maas's following in Toronto. Like WOW! But it's not like I could've done anything anyways because to bus it would have taken 2 hours and my dad just did not want to wake up early. So anyways I was obviously heartbroken about not getting to meet her after waiting so long.
( Side story coming up, just a warning (can be skipped, lol): )
This is why I really really wanted to get Sarah's signature, well one of the reasons:
Around November last year I wanted to order A Court of Mist and Fury when it got cheaper and I had been waiting a while for the price to drop. Right after I ordered it however I found an autographed version also on their website, Indigo's, but it was regular price, and there was just one left. At first, I was like I HAVE to get it, because it's my favourite book and all. But then I thought about it, and decided that I there was no point in waiting all that time for the book to get cheaper if I would buy it full price, then I could've just pre-ordered it. Then I was like wait why don't I just pre-order the last book, ACOWAR, and then I can get the signed version for the same price. This sounded like a good plan and I relaxed for about a day. Then I decided that I didn't care and that I wanted the signed version of my favourite book ever and that I could return the book I already ordered. But when I went to check online it was gone. I checked for weeks and weeks every single day but that was the last one, the autographed version never became available again. My soul was crushed but I still had a bit of hope for the 3rd book to come in a special autographed version. But then in a few months when it became available there was no autographed version, just an indigo special version with the fanart in the cover (which is still nice, and is what I got). I was heartbroken again... Then a few weeks later I saw the tweet and flipped because I could get Sarah to sign the book in person, which I never thought was going to happen! I was over the moon excited but it obviously is just not meant to be....

The whole interview part was obviously the best part for me because that's the only part I could really partake in. Ugh. Anyways the lady asked Sarah a lot of questions some of which I don't remember, but I texted my friend a lot of it, me taking notes, aha. She started off by saying that the next TOG book, Tower of Dawn, Chaol's book, will be about 3 main characters Chaol obviously, Nesryn, and Irene Towers (who I have absolutely no memory of but it's ok, because it seemed like everyone else did somehow). Then Sarah was talking about when she cried when writing the books and she mentioned that in Acowar it was during the whole 670s pages and at first I didn't get it because my dad took my book, but then I looked over at the girl in front when she opened the pages and got it right away. Some other girl yelled 666 and I was so confused but everyone was laughing, and then Sarah talked about it. How it was a compete coincidence that the worst part of Acowar, literally everything bag that happened happened on page 666. It was so funny because then I got my dad to bring me the book and I saw myself. Then there was a question about Rhys's last name, and she hinted that it might be revealed in later books and that for now we should just call him Rhys "Hotpants", ahaha (she was hilarious). At some point a Hot Korean bodyguard also came up ahahah.... Then there was a question about what houses all the character would be in and for some reason I missed Rhys and only Rhys because I don't know why and I'm sooo sad because all I ever care about it Rhys. But anyways Sarah said Feyre would be in Hufflepuff, Aelin would be in slythrin/griffindor, Rowan would also be in slythrin/griffindor, and Manon would be in Slytherin. All I agree with except maybe Feyre, I feel like she would be Gryffindor/Hufflepuff.

She also said how each of her characters has a little bit of her,but none actually represent people. Like they're not inspired by people. She also said that even though many people think that, her husband was not actually the inspiration for Rhys and how nothing really was. However, the really great realtionship between Rhys and Feyre was inspired by her relationship filled with love and the two seeming like equals. Awww. (She said she didn't want to sound too corny but the whole room awed together, and she said her husband was staring at her with a weird smile, lol, it was so cute). Then there was a question about what book she's reading now. And she said she was reading Flame of the Mist by Renee Ahdieh. It was so funny because she said that all she wanted to do all the way during her last book signing was curl into a ball in a chair and read, it was so cute because I could relate so much. Like I really should be doing homework right now, but instead I am writing a blog post, when all I really want to be doing is reading Always and Forever Lara Jean, ahhh it's my current read and its sooo cute. I actually just finished reread this whole series, and started reading the 3rd book fort he first time since I got it may 3rd (it came out May 2nd too :) ).
Anyways so then after the conversation ended a lot of people left because I'm assuming they didn't get wristbands. Only the first 250 people did which says a lot. There were 5 groups, I don't know how many people in each but they were sorted based on when they got there. And I'm not even sure if they would have gotten through all of them because 250 is actually a lottt. But it was the whole day on a Sunday so I think it should have been fine. Last time I also went on a Friday or Thursday I think, so that's why it might not have been as crazy. As well, I'm actually kind of glad that I didn't come early because if I came at 9 and I just missed the wristbands I would've been super upset and it would've been such a waste of time, and then if I came at 8 and I was one of the last ones and then they didn't have time for me that would have sucked too. But in my opinion 4 is wayyy too early, so I don't even know how committed I was to this. I thought I was super committed but I guess other people, older people (who have their own cars and have loved Sarah for around 3 or 4 years) probably have way more inclination to get together with some friends and go all together at 4 am. But not me sorryyy.
Anyways basically after the event was over they right away organised the signing line and I got some pictures of Sarah signing people's books (because I could finally see her, as many people left). They said they were going to cut off your bracelet when u got to the front which really sucked for them because the bracelets were actually super cute. Also when I was just staring at Sarah signing people's books two girls came up behind me, after a few seconds they saw a lady with only ACOWAR to sign and they freaked out because the maximum was 3 books so they asked her to sign theirs too and even though she looked super annoyed by this (since she was probably waiting there from 4am) she said yes. I stayed a little while and saw other people with only 1 or 2 books but I felt too weird and bad asking them to get my book signed, I felt like it was cheating, and I was also sick and my voice was half dead. Anyways, i told myself that I would definitely just be there for 6am for the next signing, which considering how many people there were today Sarah has to come back to Canada! Hopefully she goes on a Tower of Dawn tour, if she does I will definitely buy the book (if not we'll see, as I'm not a huge fan on Chaol). So I wasn't too upset because there's always TOG and I can bring my ACOMAF and ACOWAR copies and get those signed too. So it's ok for next time I'll know and I have a plan, and hopefully it will be a bit closer so I could bus.
Anyways basically after the event was over they right away organised the signing line and I got some pictures of Sarah signing people's books (because I could finally see her, as many people left). They said they were going to cut off your bracelet when u got to the front which really sucked for them because the bracelets were actually super cute. Also when I was just staring at Sarah signing people's books two girls came up behind me, after a few seconds they saw a lady with only ACOWAR to sign and they freaked out because the maximum was 3 books so they asked her to sign theirs too and even though she looked super annoyed by this (since she was probably waiting there from 4am) she said yes. I stayed a little while and saw other people with only 1 or 2 books but I felt too weird and bad asking them to get my book signed, I felt like it was cheating, and I was also sick and my voice was half dead. Anyways, i told myself that I would definitely just be there for 6am for the next signing, which considering how many people there were today Sarah has to come back to Canada! Hopefully she goes on a Tower of Dawn tour, if she does I will definitely buy the book (if not we'll see, as I'm not a huge fan on Chaol). So I wasn't too upset because there's always TOG and I can bring my ACOMAF and ACOWAR copies and get those signed too. So it's ok for next time I'll know and I have a plan, and hopefully it will be a bit closer so I could bus.
Wow, this post is super long and I'm really sorry but I guess there's just so much to say. Anyways as I mentioned currently I'm reading Always and Forever Lara Jean, and I recently (Tuesday to Friday) read To All the Boys I've Loved Before, and PS I Still Love You both by Jenny Han. Basically I started reading the third book but I didn't remember anything so I went back and read the other two. And I actually listened to the first book as an audiobook because I was too sick to read. Then right before that I read ACOWAR (and I really wanted to put up a review but not I forgot everything ahhh, but hopefully I'll remember and ut it up soon), and before that I had reread ACOTAR and ACOMAF so wow I actually read a lot this month. But after this I'm not even sure what I'm going to read, I think I can finally go back to Six of Crows, which I started but only got through around 60 pages before having to read Acotar, then Acomaf, then Acowar (right when it came out). Lol this is a super intense post and if you stuck with it and rea dall of it wow you're a hero. Thank you so much for all the support and I'm super thankful for all my readers! Love you all!
- Love always, Kat Hearts
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