"Holy Gods", this book was good! Not just good, it was fantastic, wonderful, epic, and dreamy!
<-- This was so me! Hey Guys, I just finished reading Empire of Storms which is the fifth book of the Throne of Glass series. If you have not read it yet, you have to read it right now! It's the best series I have ever read. Sorry all you extreme potter-heads. Two of my closest friends are actually reading it right now because on my insistent recommendations. Sarah J. Maas is the author of a this series and also of the A Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy, which I am a huge fan of as well. She completely outdid herself with this book. There was so much action, but still so much character development and romance as well. There was also so much more emotion, though, and sadness in this book that the rest. ;( Honestly though, my favourite ship of this book is still Rowaelin, not sure if that's the actual spelling but you get the point. A lot of new characters were developed in this book that I really really enjoyed seeing.
Since this book is the fifth in the series I will try not to spoil any major event that occur, but I might spoil some things from the other 4 books, so if you have not yet read them: BEWARE there might be spoilers! This book came out September 6th, I got it September 7th, and started reading it September 7th, and I finished it today, September 20th. So I am officially super mad at myself. That is almost exactly 2 weeks that it took me to finish this book. Granted it's pretty long, 689 pages to be exact (goodreads was actually close this time, lmao), but still. I have wanted to read this book for almost a year, and I absolutely hate how it ended, but I'll just have to deal, FOR ANOTHER YEAR! Jeez that seems like so much more when the book isn't even titled yet. *Sigh* I'm also mad because I was supposed to start and finish A Shadow Bright and Burning before today, but I didn't even start. Sadness. But shout-out to ASBAB that came out today! I'll tell you all about how it is when I finish it! Considering how long it took me to finish this amazingness, because of school and stupid homework, it might take a while. Anyways this review will officially begin in the next paragraph but I also might ad a very excited rant spoilery, favourite parts section at the end. So you definitely shouldn't read that if you haven't read the book.
Furthermore.... Here is my review of Empire of Storms:
Okay so let's start with the background. As anyone who has read this series knows that this series takes place in a magical land far away, called Erilea. Basically this land is split into different territories who rule different areas of the continent. There is Adarlan, Fenharrow, Melisande, Eyllwe, The Deserted Land, The Western Wastes, and Terrasen. There is also a land to the east called Wendlyn, where all the magic folk, the Fae, live. While I was reading this book I just could not remember why all the fae live there, or if it's only Fae, and who even governs it. I always though it was Maeve and that's it, but later I was like hmmm maybe it's not actually just Maeve. So that's basically the back story, and if I tell you the backstory of the plot it will literally take 5 books, because in the first book you have absolutely no inkling at all, except for the appearance of Elena, that Celeana/Aelin will have to go through everything that happens in this book. It all comes down to this; Celeana in her non-magical self and is an assassin, who was a slave and then was freed to win a competition, who then flirted and made out with the captain of the guard. Then she went to Wendlyn after her close friend was murdered, to find herself because she was completely lost. Then she found a very angry, almost as stubborn as her prince, Rowan in Wendlyn who taught her all the magic and control she knows, pretty much, as Aelin. SO basically the setting of this book series is mainly Adarlan, but it's actually all over the place.
The whole setting plays a major role in creating this world and giving it life. All the different territories and who governs them all make up Erilea and make up Erilea's history. This is a lot more important than you might think at first glance, because just like all of Sarah's other books, Empire of Storms has an intricate web at its core. It honestly has so many different aspects of the other books that all come together, especially at the ending reveal. This brings me to the plot. What a great job Sarah did with that. I absolutely loved all the details that Sarah used, and how she brought together Celeana's past and Aelin's future in one book. All the parts with Rowan, you do know they are together by this point right, sorry if you didn't, were super precious and cutesy. I really liked the connection between all the different relationships developed throughout the book, but the one complaint I had was how similar Rowan and Aelin's relationship and "hot" scenes were to Rhysand and Feyre's. Like honestly the ending between them was super similar, the thing one of them didn't want to acknowledge was super similar (*wink wink*, if you know what I mean). It was just overall, very annoying to me for some parts to be reading and making all these connections to Acomaf, when I wanted it to be personal and all about Rowaelin. Obviously I loved Acomaf so that's not exactly a bad thing, but I guess the two worlds aren't as different as I originally thought. Both have Fae and also their own special rules and traditions/bonds. And an obvious reason as to why they were so similar, was probably just the fact that it is all written by Sarah, which is great, just somewhat annoying at times.
Moving on to the characters.... As I mentioned in my very disorganised introduction I really enjoyed
all the new character development that we got. I honestly though that after Queen of Shadows, we were done getting new characters, but I was wrong. We actually got to learn more about a lot of new characters. Some include; Fehrys, Gavriel, Lorcan, and Pirate Lord Rolfe. I really appreciated Sarah's amazing writing when writing from the character's points of views, and how all the views were so different, and then came together at the end. Just like all the other books in the series. I really love how Dorian grew as a person, how he finally learned to manage his power, use it for good, as well as how much he matured after the events of Queen of Shadows. Now when I look at him I see a man who accomplished many things, versus before it was a young spoiled, defenceless, scared boy that liked to read, was in love with Celeana, and gave lots of gifts. As always I still love Abraxos, and Lysandra, and Aedion, who didn't grow that much but all had a nice part in the book where they showed their true colors. I really admire Aelin for never giving up and for always being there for her friends. At the end this was really shown by how many of her friends she truly helped, and also by how even though she was told what must be done she already knew and was preparing for it for months. All those times when I was like, "this is not gonna end well", Aelin pulled something out of her sleeve and we all pulled through. And all those times when she became super strong and powerful and kicked ass. I also really love the idea of "Aelin's new squad", throughout this book (except for in the end). In Queen of Shadows, it was Rowan, Aedion, Lysandra, and some other people and Chaol for a bit. By the way, for people that are still team chaol, he's not in this book at all sorry. But Dorian is, so yay for team Dorian (ish). In this book Aelin's previous "squad" actually got so much stronger as a whole and grew a lot from each other, as well as got some aditions.
So overall, this book was fantabulous! And epic, and heart breaking, and had so much action and character development I almost cried. The ending especially had so much emotion and sadness, but also hope. I give it a 9.5/10 just because of the minor flaws, like too many similarities where I wanted difference. Also because I liked Acomaf more. I liked Rhysand a lot more over Rowan, but I love Aelin more than Feyre so I'm very indecided, especially since they're so similar... I have a paragraph on that in this post. Basically if you have not yet read the series read it, it will seem good after the first book but after the 3rd it will be amazing, and you won't regret it. Even though all the books are really long they're so worth it. There is now 5 plus The Assasin's Blade, which after reading this book I'm really considering re-reading, and I really recommend you read before reading EOS. I really enjoyed this book, and literally can not wait until the 6th one comes out! :) Also can not wait until Acotar 3! Bless these books and Sarah and everything!!! Also since I already took up so much space (and time, like 2 hours writing all my reviews) I will post my spoiler section on my eos goodreads review, and if you want to read that I will have a link here. (It's very very long I'm warning you now just click view spoiler, and don't read the first paragraph. It's basically a summary of this blog post.) Hope you enjoyed my review and please comment on anything you want to discuss, and if you want to discuss all the amazing spoils, comment on my goodreads review.
Oh and I almost forgot to add, I heard that there is going to be a Throne of Glass Tv show called Queen of shadows. Honestly I'm very in-decided, but it better be good, not like Shadowhunters. Tbh I don't really think it needs a tv show, but as long as I have Acomaf to myself I'm okay. I honestly feel like if someone actually wanted to know what the series was about they would read it, and not just watch a Tv show. First they're not always accurate, second Sarah's writing cannot be expressed in film, it's too good, and third the castinggg... :/ And, no Tv show will be as good or anywhere close to the quality of her books. Are you excited? What do you guys think? Thank you so much to all my amazing readers for reading!
- <3 Kat Hearts
(Update: ~~ On goodreads I was reading somebody's review and I found a link to all the exclusive stories, so thanks to them but here are all three. Target, Barnes and Noble, and UK (Chaol: Part 1 and 2). And I also realised that I should totally get Tumblr.)

Furthermore.... Here is my review of Empire of Storms:
Okay so let's start with the background. As anyone who has read this series knows that this series takes place in a magical land far away, called Erilea. Basically this land is split into different territories who rule different areas of the continent. There is Adarlan, Fenharrow, Melisande, Eyllwe, The Deserted Land, The Western Wastes, and Terrasen. There is also a land to the east called Wendlyn, where all the magic folk, the Fae, live. While I was reading this book I just could not remember why all the fae live there, or if it's only Fae, and who even governs it. I always though it was Maeve and that's it, but later I was like hmmm maybe it's not actually just Maeve. So that's basically the back story, and if I tell you the backstory of the plot it will literally take 5 books, because in the first book you have absolutely no inkling at all, except for the appearance of Elena, that Celeana/Aelin will have to go through everything that happens in this book. It all comes down to this; Celeana in her non-magical self and is an assassin, who was a slave and then was freed to win a competition, who then flirted and made out with the captain of the guard. Then she went to Wendlyn after her close friend was murdered, to find herself because she was completely lost. Then she found a very angry, almost as stubborn as her prince, Rowan in Wendlyn who taught her all the magic and control she knows, pretty much, as Aelin. SO basically the setting of this book series is mainly Adarlan, but it's actually all over the place.
The whole setting plays a major role in creating this world and giving it life. All the different territories and who governs them all make up Erilea and make up Erilea's history. This is a lot more important than you might think at first glance, because just like all of Sarah's other books, Empire of Storms has an intricate web at its core. It honestly has so many different aspects of the other books that all come together, especially at the ending reveal. This brings me to the plot. What a great job Sarah did with that. I absolutely loved all the details that Sarah used, and how she brought together Celeana's past and Aelin's future in one book. All the parts with Rowan, you do know they are together by this point right, sorry if you didn't, were super precious and cutesy. I really liked the connection between all the different relationships developed throughout the book, but the one complaint I had was how similar Rowan and Aelin's relationship and "hot" scenes were to Rhysand and Feyre's. Like honestly the ending between them was super similar, the thing one of them didn't want to acknowledge was super similar (*wink wink*, if you know what I mean). It was just overall, very annoying to me for some parts to be reading and making all these connections to Acomaf, when I wanted it to be personal and all about Rowaelin. Obviously I loved Acomaf so that's not exactly a bad thing, but I guess the two worlds aren't as different as I originally thought. Both have Fae and also their own special rules and traditions/bonds. And an obvious reason as to why they were so similar, was probably just the fact that it is all written by Sarah, which is great, just somewhat annoying at times.
Moving on to the characters.... As I mentioned in my very disorganised introduction I really enjoyed
all the new character development that we got. I honestly though that after Queen of Shadows, we were done getting new characters, but I was wrong. We actually got to learn more about a lot of new characters. Some include; Fehrys, Gavriel, Lorcan, and Pirate Lord Rolfe. I really appreciated Sarah's amazing writing when writing from the character's points of views, and how all the views were so different, and then came together at the end. Just like all the other books in the series. I really love how Dorian grew as a person, how he finally learned to manage his power, use it for good, as well as how much he matured after the events of Queen of Shadows. Now when I look at him I see a man who accomplished many things, versus before it was a young spoiled, defenceless, scared boy that liked to read, was in love with Celeana, and gave lots of gifts. As always I still love Abraxos, and Lysandra, and Aedion, who didn't grow that much but all had a nice part in the book where they showed their true colors. I really admire Aelin for never giving up and for always being there for her friends. At the end this was really shown by how many of her friends she truly helped, and also by how even though she was told what must be done she already knew and was preparing for it for months. All those times when I was like, "this is not gonna end well", Aelin pulled something out of her sleeve and we all pulled through. And all those times when she became super strong and powerful and kicked ass. I also really love the idea of "Aelin's new squad", throughout this book (except for in the end). In Queen of Shadows, it was Rowan, Aedion, Lysandra, and some other people and Chaol for a bit. By the way, for people that are still team chaol, he's not in this book at all sorry. But Dorian is, so yay for team Dorian (ish). In this book Aelin's previous "squad" actually got so much stronger as a whole and grew a lot from each other, as well as got some aditions.

Oh and I almost forgot to add, I heard that there is going to be a Throne of Glass Tv show called Queen of shadows. Honestly I'm very in-decided, but it better be good, not like Shadowhunters. Tbh I don't really think it needs a tv show, but as long as I have Acomaf to myself I'm okay. I honestly feel like if someone actually wanted to know what the series was about they would read it, and not just watch a Tv show. First they're not always accurate, second Sarah's writing cannot be expressed in film, it's too good, and third the castinggg... :/ And, no Tv show will be as good or anywhere close to the quality of her books. Are you excited? What do you guys think? Thank you so much to all my amazing readers for reading!
- <3 Kat Hearts
(Update: ~~ On goodreads I was reading somebody's review and I found a link to all the exclusive stories, so thanks to them but here are all three. Target, Barnes and Noble, and UK (Chaol: Part 1 and 2). And I also realised that I should totally get Tumblr.)
(And some super cute fanart I found on Twitter is below, semi-spoilery, and not mine at all)
(^ Omg all these Rowan jokes, love them so much! <3 ^)
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