Hello to all my lovely readers! <3 How is not so lovely school going for you? Well, for me, not so great. I have sooo much homework that I don't even know how I found the time to do post today, but I did. I actually took photography this semester because I really enjoy the art of it and I swear it's pure assignments. Ugh... We got three just this week. And it's only been a week of school... How about you guys? Any annoying teachers who give you wayyy to much work? (And I also think I might be sick, but it's not like I can miss any school...)
Since I haven't posted in almost a week, very sad I know, I decided to do a post I wanted to do before but never got around to it. The only reason I actually remembered was because everytime I have an idea for a post I just put it on a sticky note, in my computer, and then when I have the time to post I just write about all that I put into that note. It's actually very useful and is kind of like a summary of my booky week.
- Yesterday I went shopping with my friends and got two new books from the library book sale section (really cheap, and highly recommend)
- I am on page 373 of Empire of Storms
- I have two tests, and 3 projects due next week (I'm dead)
- I'm on 1.19 hours into Iron Man 3
- And I recently watched Beastly
Okay so now to go into more details for you guys....
Basically there is a library right next to a mall that is on my way home from school, and it's a super huge library. At this library they have a small room at the back filled with books for sale. Each paperback is 25 cents and each hard-copy is a dollar. Like how great is that? SO obviously each time I'm nearby I go in to take a look, because they are constantly getting restocked. Yesterday when I went there was a paperback copy of the Hunger Games, and I was super tempted to get it but since I already had it, I decided to leave it for somebody else to find. What I did end up getting though, was pretty good as well. I got One plus One, by Jojo Moyes, and I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. All together for 1.25$. :) Because One plus One was hard-copy and I Am the Messenger was paperback. Previously I also bought a looottt of books from these book sales, including; Twilight, Matched, Something Blue, Something Borrowed, Sarah's Key, and Uglies. These are all Ya books that I've heard of and was super excited to get for 25 cents each (except matched which was a hardcopy).
Another thing that I really have to comment on is how amazing Empire of Storms is. On one hand I really want to finish it because it's so good and I want to tell you guys all about it, but on the other hand the next one comes out in a year so I want to drag it out as long as possible. But with school, homework, and actually sleeping I have almost no time, so the decision is basically made for me. But have I mentioned how awesome this book is. I actually don't want to say this but there are a looott of comparisons to ACOMAF, especially at a certain part ;) which I don't exactly approve of. But idk, it's an amazing series either way and even if the two are extremely similar, I still love all the character and the series as a whole. Tbh I actually like some characters more, for example: I like Rhysand more than Rowan (but they are actually very similar), I like Aelin more than Feyre (but they are also super similar), and I just like Dorian and Lysandra and Aedion more than Rhysand's squad, but I still love Mor and Amren. Overall, they are very very similar but I'm pretty sure authors are allowed to do that and it's not necessarily a bad thing. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention but I'm also racing against the clock because I want to finish Eos and start A Shadow Bright and Burning and finish it and review it before it comes out, which is September 20th, so in 5 days. Shit! I just realised that's in 5 days so it's definitely not happening, aww oh well...
And Finally, the last topic to cover is... MOVIES! Have you guys watched any good movies recently? Because I swear I'm starting to run out, I have watched like everything.... Lmao. Anyways so last Friday, I actually watched Beastly. It doesn't have a very good Imdb rating but I liked it. It was sooo cute and kind of stupid but funny and sweet. Oh maybe that's why it has such a low rating, but it's okay because I already watched all the movies with a good plot... Oh and I just remebered I actually found it, because I was in the book sale section of the library, and they had dvds for sale. I looked through them and Beastly seemed interesting so I watched it with a friend. :) Also up until a year ago for some reason I never watched Marvel Movies. I honestly have no idea why because they're amazing!!! But maybe I was just too scared or something... No legit, when I was younger I was super scared of any action movies, I just would not watch them. Maybe that's why I'm such a rom-com person today. Lol. SO, right now I'm actually smack dab in the middle of Iron man 3, and it is sooo good! The effects and plot and characters honestly get better which each movies, but I also just love Robert Downey Jr. Have you seen his google profile pic btw? It's so weird... Ahahaha! Basically, If you haven't watched Iron Man or any Marvel Movies, you are seriously missing out. Trust me they are sooo good, and especially since they all connect within each other. And guess why they're that good? Because they originally came from comic book, BOOKS! So that's obvi why. ;)

As always, thank you so much for reading my blog! I love you all so much, and hope that you stick by me even when I don't have many reviews to post because of school. Because I'm hopefully interesting enough even without them. Honestly though, I promise I'll have a super long review/rant (because it could go either way, depending on the ending), when I finish Empire of Storms. So if you have any movie recommendations or anything to say at all comment below! :) -Kat
Just some updates for y'all:

- I am on page 373 of Empire of Storms
- I have two tests, and 3 projects due next week (I'm dead)
- I'm on 1.19 hours into Iron Man 3
- And I recently watched Beastly
Okay so now to go into more details for you guys....
Basically there is a library right next to a mall that is on my way home from school, and it's a super huge library. At this library they have a small room at the back filled with books for sale. Each paperback is 25 cents and each hard-copy is a dollar. Like how great is that? SO obviously each time I'm nearby I go in to take a look, because they are constantly getting restocked. Yesterday when I went there was a paperback copy of the Hunger Games, and I was super tempted to get it but since I already had it, I decided to leave it for somebody else to find. What I did end up getting though, was pretty good as well. I got One plus One, by Jojo Moyes, and I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. All together for 1.25$. :) Because One plus One was hard-copy and I Am the Messenger was paperback. Previously I also bought a looottt of books from these book sales, including; Twilight, Matched, Something Blue, Something Borrowed, Sarah's Key, and Uglies. These are all Ya books that I've heard of and was super excited to get for 25 cents each (except matched which was a hardcopy).

And Finally, the last topic to cover is... MOVIES! Have you guys watched any good movies recently? Because I swear I'm starting to run out, I have watched like everything.... Lmao. Anyways so last Friday, I actually watched Beastly. It doesn't have a very good Imdb rating but I liked it. It was sooo cute and kind of stupid but funny and sweet. Oh maybe that's why it has such a low rating, but it's okay because I already watched all the movies with a good plot... Oh and I just remebered I actually found it, because I was in the book sale section of the library, and they had dvds for sale. I looked through them and Beastly seemed interesting so I watched it with a friend. :) Also up until a year ago for some reason I never watched Marvel Movies. I honestly have no idea why because they're amazing!!! But maybe I was just too scared or something... No legit, when I was younger I was super scared of any action movies, I just would not watch them. Maybe that's why I'm such a rom-com person today. Lol. SO, right now I'm actually smack dab in the middle of Iron man 3, and it is sooo good! The effects and plot and characters honestly get better which each movies, but I also just love Robert Downey Jr. Have you seen his google profile pic btw? It's so weird... Ahahaha! Basically, If you haven't watched Iron Man or any Marvel Movies, you are seriously missing out. Trust me they are sooo good, and especially since they all connect within each other. And guess why they're that good? Because they originally came from comic book, BOOKS! So that's obvi why. ;)

As always, thank you so much for reading my blog! I love you all so much, and hope that you stick by me even when I don't have many reviews to post because of school. Because I'm hopefully interesting enough even without them. Honestly though, I promise I'll have a super long review/rant (because it could go either way, depending on the ending), when I finish Empire of Storms. So if you have any movie recommendations or anything to say at all comment below! :) -Kat
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