OMG guys!!! This book was soooo good! I absolutely loved it, and it makes me sad that it wasn't longer and that there isn't a second one. It was that good, lol! I received an arc of This is What Goodbye Looks Like from NetGalley after the book came out, on June 17th, 2016. I got approved on July 13th and I am so thankful to Olivia Rivers and Red Sparrow Press for approving me. And I am so sorry I did not read this book sooner as I had a super long tbr list, but I really wish I did.
This book is about a girl named Lea who's mother got in a car accident with killed and innocent boy (21), and seriously injured Lea and put her sister Camille into a coma. Then when the trial for her mom came the jury was in decided because Lea, the only eye witness, tells the court that Parker Ashbury, the boy her mom killed, actually drove into them. This obviously angers the Ashbury's and gives them no closure to why their boy had to die. This is the main backstory for the whole book. Most of the boy is actually about how Lea decides to go to boarding school to get away from home and also to see how Seth Ashbury, the boy's younger brother, is coping with his brother's death. What she gets is not exactly what she came for but it surprises her and makes her appreciate and fight for the things she has. The book brings themes of pride, grief, hope, and friendship together to make a fantastic read even better and more relatable.
The setting is also pretty Magical, this story takes place in Vermont, in a little city called Hendrickson, which is always snowy and cold as described in the book. I'm not sure if it's like that all year round or just in the novel but it plays a big role in the novel. The town is really small and everyone is very close knit. There are like two places to eat but they both serve amazing food apparently. The place where most of the book takes place though is an elite boarding school called Harting. I honestly really enjoyed all the little things about the setting and the sense of community because the made the book seem more real and sweet. ( The cover also shows the cold, and it's soooo cute --> )
Okay so let's start with how amazing this book was overall. It was realistic fiction with a little bit of crime and romance. I absolutely love this blend and how well it worked. The only thing that kind of bothers me is the ending, because it is kind of short and cut off as well as not very realistic. But the whole first 300 pages are amazing! I absolutely loved the characters the setting and everything in between. I will try not to spoil much but since this book is not a series and it came out more than two months ago there will be some small spoilers. But I really do recommend that you guys all go read it!

Honestly, let's start with how amazing the character's were. The main character, Lea, was a shy girl who loved photography and never had many friends, but that was before the accident. Afterwords, she is always feeling guilty and sad until she meets Seth. Seth was by far my favourite character just because of his optimism and how he deals with situations. We go into meeting him thinking he's an ordinary boy who just lost a brother but no. First off he's blind and second of all we learned that he and his brother were super close, and his brother gave him the ability to see. Parker understood him like nobody else until maybe Lea. Another important character is a girl named Brie who is Lea's roommate and probably the most joyful and helpful person I've ever read about. Brie has a history though that by the end of the book makes itself known and shows how protective she is of the people she loves. When Lea comes to boarding school Brie is the first person to welcome her, and is like her family, along with her group of friends. Landon, Hannah, Maddie, Brie, and Seth are the people Lea grows closest too but also the people she can hurt the most.

Overall, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a short sweet read. It's really heartfelt and I almost cried at the end. I honestly think that this book covers sooo many different feeling that you can't even describe it as sweet because it deals with pain, grief, loss, but also with feeling guilt. But in my opinion, it is still sweet because of how everyone interacts with one another. I love how all the characters support each other and are like each others family away from home. I loves Seth and Lea's relationship progress throughout the book and well as Lea and Brie's. I give this book a 9.1/10 stars and I think that it is really truly fantastic. But it is more on the realistic fiction/drama/romance side so more for people who enjoy those books. Thanks for reading my review as always. And you should all go read this book if it sounds interesting because it is!
- <3 Always Kat Hearts
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